"Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way.
This is not philosophy. This is physics.”

Albert Einstein

The Challenge for the Future of the World

Our world is at a pivotal point of exponential change. Dysfunctional global systems are collapsing and climate change is increasing the frequency and intensity of natural disasters. At the same time, a revolution in social, environmental and economic innovation, and values-based living, is driving transformative change across the planet.

It is predicted we will see as much change, as much evolution, in the next 20 years as has been experienced in the past 300 years. Whether these changes are the result of the input of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere from the burning of fossil fuels; the precession of the equinoxes as we enter the Age of Aquarius; the wobble of earth tilting on its axis; or the flux of the ending and new beginning of a natural cycle in our evolution, as prophesied by the Mayans and many other cultures, is open to speculation.

No matter the perspective, it is expected the changes ahead will be monumental in terms of their size, speed and scope, and the impact immense, affecting the way we live, work, communicate and relate to each other as the realms of what was once considered science fiction becomes everyday reality.

We are already seeing a number of future realities taking shape, some more advanced than others, and all jockeying for position and vying for attention:


Purpose, People, Planet, Prosperity

Natural energy systems and closed-loop design and innovation is driving the growth of a circular economy and the regeneration of the natural environment. Transformational leadership, conscious consumers and sustainable brands are influencing supply chains and industries. Impact investing and shared value financial models are seeding and scaling sustainable innovation and building community capacity. A mindfulness revolution is transforming mindsets and behaviour, creating work-life balance and enhancing the quality of life. Eco-conscious lifestyles aligned with indigenous wisdom are driving the growth of self-sovereign, intentional communities caring for each other and the planet.


Exponential Technology

Robotics, AI and 3D printing, digital biology and medical tech, blockchain, decentralised platforms, meta currencies and XR meta verses (augmented, virtual and mixed realities) are creating a renaissance of discovery, invention and innovation and converging physical and virtual realities with disruptive economic and lifestyle effects. Then there’s the quantum revolution advancing self-healing and self-assembling materials that have the ability to self-repair and adapt to environmental conditions. Nano health and regenerative medicine repairing cells and organs, eradicating disease and increasing lifespans. Communication, computing and device engineering technologies tipped to outpace, outsmart and outperform AI almost before its had a chance to begin.


Space: The Race Accelerates

International space agencies are competing and collaborating to create a new space economy with plans for space tourism, deep space exploration and floating platforms to settle millions in space before colonising the moon and mars and potentially other planets. Many other companies are developing technology and supporting systems to help them achieve it, including weather shields that can withstand the extremes of cosmic weather; reliable power sources capable of running uninterrupted regardless of the location; quantum communication systems that can teleport huge amounts of data; and food, water and waste management systems to support life in closed-loop, regenerative environments.


Evolution of Consciousness

It’s driving the sustainability and mindfulness revolutions and a metaphysical awakening across the planet: mind, body, spirit. It’s consciousness in tune with natural energy systems, the interconnectedness of all life and creation from heart-centred intention and awareness. And now the mindfulness revolution is going quantum as the universal mind meets the universal heart. Quantum consciousness is multi-dimensional and non-linear and accesses universal intelligence and energy beyond the constructs of our 3D world - a cosmic computer that transcends space and time with infinite metaphysical realities and parallel universes. Entering mainstream awareness: elementals, star-beings, stargates and UFOs, timeline jumping, time travel, telepathy and teleportation. Planetary ascension to the 5th dimension? It’s written in the stars. VIVRE All-Stars.

Conscious Evolution:
The Gift and Challenge of Our Time

There are of course, many worlds within these worlds, as well as what we call the status quo: climate denial, business as usual, fear-based media, inequitable economies, disempowered people and communities, autocratic leadership and governance, and global conflict. The status quo is not an option for safeguarding our future and it’s not an option for VIVRE.

However, there is more than enough evidence that an exciting future and worlds of possibility are emerging, so we don’t need to cling on to an old, dysfunctional reality. And, whilst the space revolution is exciting, we also don’t need to leave our planet to ensure our survival - unless we choose to.

Before we fully enter this new era in our evolution we have an unprecedented window of opportunity, perhaps a few years, to determine what our future looks like, design our course, and innovate solutions for a more vibrant, resilient and sustainable planet, before unsustainable development and marketplace choices further exacerbate climate change and the significant challenges our world faces. Not to mention the prospect of creating more debris in space and mining for finite resources on other planets.

The historic nature and power of this time cannot be underestimated: a generational opportunity to consciously create a brand new world. We cannot waste the gift of this time; we have the power, technology and resources to break through the inertia of the status quo and shape the emerging revolutions to impact long-term sustainable change at speed and scale.

“Change is the essential process of all existence.”

Starship Enterprise

To do it, we need a global behaviour change solution to:

  • engage and empower a mass-market of people and business as the stakeholders who will be living and working in it

  • change the global narrative from fear-based realities to give sustained, collective focus and energy to what we want to create and what’s possible to achieve - not what we fear

  • provide access to better choice resources, demonstrate the benefits and provide incentives - inspirational and emotional as well as commercial - to make the sustainable choice easier and more rewarding

  • mobilise impact capital to seed and scale investment in technology and innovations that are creating sustainable solutions to grow a circular economy, build community capacity and resolve our most pressing problems.

VIVRE All-Stars has been designed in response to this opportunity: to inspire new hope and a renewal of humanity, not only to safeguard our own future, but to create worlds worth living in for all generations, here and in space.

“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of existence.”

Nikola Tesla
Futurist, Inventor, Engineer